I have said this before, but will say it again for the sake of any "newbies" listening here.
I was prevented from attending university by direct inervention of the elders. Then -- - to compound this, 12 months later, the very same elders made me abandon my apprenticeship that I had just started. Seven years later, I started again as an adult apprentice, only this time I was married, with one dependent child and one other on its way.
At the end of my apprenticeship, my employer offered to sponsor me through the diploma course. However, my wife of the time strongly objected that "the children needed a father." She was quite correct , of course.
Now ... I am several months into the Advanced Diploma course.
I will need this qualification just to retain the position that I have - and which I will need to continue working at for at least the next eight years :
- being one of that age group who wouldl "never grow old in this system" I have #&ck -all in the way of retirement savings.
So .... did I follow the WTS direction on education years ago an end up screwed as a consequence -- you're bloody right I did!